Art Direction & Design Press & Fold Magazine
Camiel Fortgens, label design
Bodily, drawing on paper, 2022
Art Direction & Design Press & Fold Magazine
Art Direction & Design Press & Fold Magazine
PORTAL zine 001 & 002, project by Elisa van Joolen
Mutter Pouch Residue, print on paper, 2022
Camiel Fortgens, lookbook design
Camiel Fortgens, lookbook design
Dissolving the Ego of Fashion, published by ArtEZ Press
De vijf pijlers van design, published by Artez Press
De vijf pijlers van design, published by Artez Press
De vijf pijlers van design, published by Artez Press
De vijf pijlers van design, published by Artez Press
JOIN Collective Clothes, Manual Design, published by Warehouse
Art Direction & Design Press & Fold — Pillow Talk
JOIN Collective Clothes, Manual Design, published by Warehouse
Rafaël Rozendaal, Everything, Always, Everywhere, published by Valiz
Rafaël Rozendaal, Everything, Always, Everywhere, published by Valiz
Rafaël Rozendaal, Everything, Always, Everywhere, published by Valiz
Rafaël Rozendaal, Everything, Always, Everywhere, published by Valiz
Photography JOIN Collective Clothes
Research Project Uncover Archive
Research Project Uncover Archive
Metropolis M Magazine, Editorial Design & Identity
Metropolis M Magazine, Editorial Design & Identity
Mutter Pouch
Art Direction & Design Press & Fold Magazine
Hearings: A Reader, published by SternbergPress
Contour Biennale 8, Polyphonic Worlds: Justice as Medium
Contour Biennale 8, Polyphonic Worlds: Justice as Medium
JOIN Collective Clothes, Manual Design, published by Warehouse
DE VIJF PIJLERS VAN DESIGN, published by Artez Press
Art Direction & Design Press & Fold Magazine
Product development and design of merch for Amsterdam based art space MUTTER. The MUTTER Pouch is developed in collaboration with atelier Toër initiated by Tomas Ermin. With a textual contribution by Emma Singleton. Photography in collaboration with Katy Hundertmark
Press & Fold Magazine
Art Direction & Design for Press & Fold Magazine. Press & Fold is an independent fashion magazine that aims to explore alternative fashion forms and narratives. The bi-annual magazine provides a platform for critical fashion practitioners who do not obey the rules the fashion system is currently dictating. Press & Fold focuses on a fashion reality that isn’t based solely on consuming the latest fashions but on our experiences through fashion, seeking an alternative fashion discourse that goes beyond treating fashion as a commodity. Initiated by Hanka van der Voet. Published by Warehouse. Design Assistance Issue 3 by Emma Singleton
Rafaël Rozendaal, Everything, Always, Everywhere.
Book design for Rafaël Rozendaal, Everything, Always Everywhere. In collaboration with Studio Remco van Bladel. Published by Valiz. Texts by Margriet Schavemaker, Kodama Kanazawa, Christiane Paul & Marvin Jordan. Awarded for Best Dutch Book Design 2019
ArtEZ Fashion Professorship, Dissolving the Ego of fashion
Book Design and Website for ArtEZ Fashion Professorship. Dissolving the Ego of fashion, Engaging with Human Matters by Daniëlle Bruggeman. Dissolving the Ego of fashion aims to develop critical theories and practices in order to explore, better understand, and rethink the cracks in the fashion system and the role that fashion plays in relation to urgent socio-cultural, environmental, and political developments in contemporary society. Website Design in collaboration with Andrea Spikker. Web development by Charlie Berendsen
Camiel Fortgens
Brand development, identity, label and lookbook design for Dutch fashion designer Camiel Fortgens
De vijf pijlers van design
Book design for De vijf pijlers van design, handbook on designing utensils. By Hans Ansems & Jeroen van den Eijnde. Published by Artez Press
Metropolis M Magazine
Re-design of Dutch contemporary art magazine Metropolis M. In collaboration with Studio Remco van Bladel & Andrea Spikker
PORTAL Issue #001 & #002
Design for PORTAL Issue #001 & #002. PORTAL is a research project by Elisa van Joolen which investigates the emotional, social and economic value of clothing worn by the visitors of this traveling installation. Presented at Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam and State of Fashion, Arnhem
JOIN Collective Clothes
Graphic Identity, Manual Design, Website for modular clothing system JOIN collective clothes. Initiated by Anouk Beckers. Design Assistance by Ilse Bloemendaal. Web development by Laslo Strong
Research & Design Uncover is an archival platform with the aim to expose the book within fashion through (re)discovering treasures of the past, as well as shedding light on current perspectives. Supported by Stimuleringsfonds. With contributions by Emma Singleton, Colby Vexler & Justin Clement, Laura Gardner, Hanka van der Voet, Femke de Vries. Web development by F451
Contour Biennale 8, Polyphonic Worlds: Justice as Medium
Book design, Graphic Identity, Website for Contour Biennale 8, Polyphonic Worlds: Justice as Medium, 2017. Curated by Natasha Ginwala. Design in collaboration with Studio Remco van Bladel. Awarded for Best Dutch Book Design 2017
With a background in graphic design Beau Bertens set up their creative practice in 2016, working on a variety of projects with different media purposes within the Dutch cultural domain. By interweaving diverse techniques and media, Beau researches the context and meaning of visual language in a playful manner. Currently, they are focusing on re-navigating the design discourse, questioning its structures of production by utilizing practices of embodiment.
This website shows a selection of projects for a full portfolio request and assignments please get in touch.
JOIN Collective Clothes, Manual Design,
published by Warehouse
PORTAL zine 001 & 002,
project by Elisa van Joolen
Art Direction & Design Press & Fold Magazine
Art Direction & Design Press & Fold Magazine
Camiel Fortgens, label design
Camiel Fortgens, lookbook design
Bodily, drawing on paper, 2022
De vijf pijlers van design, published
by Artez Press
Mutter Pouch Residue, print on paper, 2022
JOIN Collective Clothes, Manual Design,
published by Warehouse
Camiel Fortgens, label design
Art Direction & Design Press & Fold Magazine
Dissolving the Ego of Fashion,
published by ArtEZ Press
Rafaël Rozendaal, Everything, Always,
Everywhere, published by Valiz
Art Direction & Design Press & Fold Magazine
Photography JOIN Collective Clothes
Research Project Uncover Archive
Research Project Uncover Archive
Metropolis M Magazine,
Editorial Design & Identity
Mutter Pouch
Art Direction & Design Press & Fold Magazine
Hearings: A Reader, published by SternbergPress
Contour Biennale 8, Polyphonic Worlds:
Justice as Medium
Contour Biennale 8, Polyphonic Worlds:
Justice as Medium
JOIN Collective Clothes, Manual Design,
published by Warehouse
Doodles, Drawing
De vijf pijlers van design, published
by Artez Press
Commissioned merch for Amsterdam based art space MUTTER. Product development and design of this MUTTER POUCH in collaboration with atelier Toër initiated by Tomas Ermin. With a textual contribution by Emma Singleton. Photography in collaboration with Katy Hundertmark.
Press & Fold Magazine
Art Direction & Design for Press & Fold Magazine. Press & Fold is a independent fashion magazine that aims to explore alternative fashion forms and narratives. The bi-annual magazine provides a platform for critical fashion practitioners who do not obey the rules the fashion system is currently dictating. Press & Fold focuses on a fashion reality that isn’t based solely on consuming the latest fashions but on our experiences through fashion, seeking an alternative fashion discourse that goes beyond treating fashion as a commodity. Initiated by Hanka van der Voet. Published by Warehouse. Design Assistance Issue 3 by Emma Singleton
Rafaël Rozendaal, Everything, Always, Everywhere.
Book design for Rafaël Rozendaal, Everything, Always Everywhere. In collaboration with Studio Remco van Bladel. Published by Valiz. Texts by Margriet Schavemaker, Kodama Kanazawa, Christiane Paul & Marvin Jordan. Awarded for best dutch book design 2019
ArtEZ Fashion Professorship, Dissolving the Ego of fashion
Book Design and Website for ArtEZ Fashion Professorship. Dissolving the Ego of fashion, Engaging with Human Matters by Daniëlle Bruggeman. Dissolving the Ego of fashion aims to develop critical theories and practices in order to explore, better understand, and rethink the cracks in the fashion system and the role that fashion plays in relation to urgent socio-cultural, environmental, and political developments in contemporary society. Website Design in collaboration with Andrea Spikker. Web development by Charlie Berendsen
Camiel Fortgens
Band development, identity, label and lookbook design for Dutch fashion designer Camiel Fortgens
Metropolis M Magazine
Re-design of Dutch contemporary art magazine Metropolis M. In collaboration with Studio Remco van Bladel & Andrea Spikker
PORTAL Issue #001 & #002
Design for PORTAL Issue #001 & #002. PORTAL is a research project by Elisa van Joolen which investigates the emotional, social and economic value of clothing worn by the visitors of this traveling installation. Presented at Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam and stateoffashion, Arnhem
JOIN Collective Clothes
Graphic Identity, Manual Design, Website for modular clothing system JOIN collective clothes. Initiated by Anouk Beckers. Design Assistance by Ilse Bloemendaal. Web development by Laslo Strong
De vijf pijlers van design
Book design for De vijf pijlers van design, handbook on designing utensils. By Hans Ansems & Jeroen van den Eijnde. Published by Artez Press
Research & Design Uncover is an archival platform with the aim to expose the book within fashion through (re)discovering treasures of the past, as well as shedding light on current perspectives. Supported by Stimuleringsfonds. With contributions by Emma Singleton, Colby Vexler & Justin Clement, Laura Gardner, Hanka van der Voet, Femke de Vries. Web development by F451
Contour Biennale 8, Polyphonic Worlds: Justice as Medium
Book design, Graphic Identity, Website for Contour Biennale 8, Polyphonic Worlds: Justice as Medium, 2017. Curated by Natasha Ginwala. Design in collaboration with Studio Remco van Bladel. Selected for Best Dutch Book Designs 2017
With a background in graphic design Beau Bertens set up their creative practice in 2016, working on a variety of projects with different media purposes within the Dutch cultural domain. By interweaving diverse techniques and media, Beau researches the context and meaning of visual language in a playful manner. Currently, they are focusing on re-navigating the design discourse, questioning its structures of production by utilizing practices of embodiment.
This website shows a selection of projects for a full portfolio request and assignments please get in touch.
Photography in collaboration with Zindzi Zwietering